Wednesday, December 14, 2011

digital citizenship and creative commons

Digital citizenship is a very important concept that all students should understand. It is very important to know about digital citizenship and how everying on the internet about you wil always be out there and will always represent you. I think it is very important for people to know how to filter was is put on the internet about them. I think i have learned very important skills through this project. I was able to understand how to protect my online identity. I now know how to prepare myself for when i apply to college and jobs and give myself the advantage over other applicants. however, most people in our school don't know how to protect their online identity and don't even know how important it is. People should learn more about digital  citizenship and how everyday, they are adding on to their online profile. The other part of the project was on creative commons. This is a very useful website that people can use to get pictures for projects, presentations, or just for fun and not run into copyright problems. This website is a very good way for people to advertise their work and its free. i think our school should use it more often and introduce it to all students. I think this project was a very fun and creative way to learn and understand the concept of digital citizenship and the creative commons website.

Monday, October 24, 2011

No technology

The article about Waldolf school in California makes me start to wonder if technology helps you learn or if its just all talk. BHS took a big jump to supply the  entire school with ipads and i'm not saying its a bad idea, its just a different way of learning. BHS and Waldorf school are teaching their students in two completely different ways. I don't know if the technological advancement is going to make us learn easier, but i certainly think it is preparing us better for the real world. THe students at the two schools are learning the same things but the way we learn the material is going to make us more prepared for college and the years after. The world around us is developing more and more each day, becoming more and more technologically advanced. So why not use the technology around us and learn how to use it while also learning the basic subjects in school. Schools might as well show kids what is out there to use and teach them how to use the things they will run into when the graduate high school and college. “Engagement is about human contact, the contact with the teacher, the contact with their peers,”. This quote was said by a parent who has three kids in the Waldorf schools. THis quote is somewhat corrects, but i do not completely agree with it. THe students may be engaging with eachother, but they aren't engaging with the outside world.BHS and Waldorf schools both believe in two different things and are teaching their students the same things, just in different ways and i think BHS is more correct. I am glad that we are technologically advanced because i am now prepared for the real world and will be ready to put my skills into starting a career.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Watch what you post

A high school teacher made one bad decision that got her fired. The teacher posted on her facebook profile negative comments about her student. Parents from the town were able to see the post and were not happy about it. The teacher was fired soon after just because of a careless mistake with the internet. People need to be extra careful these days about what they post on the internet. With the social networks we use today, anything you pst can be seen by others. If you post the wrong thing it may get you into big trouble. Always think about what you are saying before you make any status or post anything on the internet.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Independent learning

I thought it as very interesting how the students broke off from their regular classes and started teaching themselves. A supervisor will tell them what they need to cover and the group of kids will teach themselves how they want. I actually like this idea because it gives the gives a lot more freedom. They can use the techniques that help them learn best and they don have to listen to a teacher all class. This will help them be more interested in the subjects and do better in school. All the kids that decided to learn in this unique way have become successful outside of school
Today we are skyping with another class from New Jersey...pretty cool!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Are you excited or what! The Boston Bruins raise the banner on thursday. Finally the hockey season is back, time for the bruins to defend their championship. I can't wait to watch my favorite player, Tyler Seguin tear up the ice for the B's. Wishing a good luck to my home team....GO B'S!!!